August Update...
over 5 years ago
– Fri, Aug 02, 2019 at 11:42:16 PM
Hey Everyone
I wanted to provide a quick update. We got some images of the factory of the printed the card backs....I hope to have samples of these in person soon.

If you backed our Larry Hama Kickstarter you’ve already seen the following email I got from the Factory last week the day before they were suppose to have product samples ready to show our Factory rep. I have not shared any direct factory correspondence with backers, but at this point you need to know what we are dealing with. I'm happy to share more of these as we get them let me know in the comments if you want to see them.
Morning Bill, sorry that as recently inspection is frequent, the mass production painting work is affected, and now the full mass painting is on the way just. And the production samples can’t be done for the coming days. I am embarrassed for you, and the mass production will have to be fully done next month end. Now the full cards are 100% finished today. The clamshell is in halfway yet. Recently another reason is I am lack of fund for my factory regular turnover arrange, as I gave out too much private money to those a$$hole officers for factory relationships
I am suffering heavy stress from this year, I am worried dates after dates not comes as planned would make my factory in tense, but I can’t understand your stress more however.
The local officials frequently come to inspect, I loss much fund, and facing customers asking like you, I feel high responsible and feel exhausted, for these things to you all, I have no right to have complaint, and it’s not that, I just want you can know I am here and doing my factory efforts. And because also of these bad inspections this year.
Based on the current processing considering some factors, I would say middle(10th-20th) of August, the production painting of both EF and Hama can be finished.
So it looks they are pushing our production yet again until next month this time because of government factory inspections. We don't know if that is even true.
Our Project Mgr went to the factory to try to speak to them about accelerating production as they had told us we'd be in production in early July. They discovered that the factory is subcontracting the paint and assembly work to another factory. This subcontractor has started to paint the figures..see images below but does not have all the parts from the manufacturing factory. So we are putting pressure on the manufacturing factory to deliver the rest of the production pieces to the paint and assembly factory. The upside is our Project Mgr feels the assembly factory will do a good job once they have the parts to finish.

The factory continues to be unable to deliver on their scheduled delivery timeline. We do know they have produced(but not delivered) Spero's Animal Warriors of the Kingdom Wave 2 figures and our figures should be up next.
More info as we have it.