Shameless plug - United States Space Force is a go!!!!
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 06:56:16 PM
Hey everyone
No Eagle Force update, but Chris our factory manager's Space Force Kickstarter is funded. You can see a Yahoo interview here that Chris did.
It's not too late to get in on this (only 24 hrs left) if you are interested in supporting the line. We're super excited about this cause we'll be able to use these parts for future waves of Eagle Force.
Eagle Force: New sample images
almost 5 years ago
– Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 08:06:21 PM
Hey everyone!
Got a buch of images I wanted to share from the factory..they are creating new samples. I’m currently making notes on these now, but wanted to share.
Please note the tampos (camo patterns and logos) are not done and some of the joints are the wrong color, this is just the 1st step of the process as we work finalize the samples before we start produciton.
The new factory continues to deliver and meet their schedule, that said, they have to rework a lot because of the incompetence of TD. I know this has been a long wait but I’m confident we’ll get there now thanks to Chris and the new factory.
More to come as I get it in.
Eagle Force - Production schedule update
almost 5 years ago
– Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 05:20:00 PM
Hey everyone,
The factory got back to me this week with the impact to the production schedule because of the Covid-19 virus.
It seems there will be a 4-5 week delay to the original schedule I posted on the Timeline Update in January. This is not ideal, but as this is now a worldwide pandemic we are all dealing with, I hope everyone understands these delays our out of our control.
Here is an updated schedule.
- March 31 - Deco samples ready for approval
- April 15 - Sample revisions complete
- April 16 - June 4 - Manufacturing
- June 5 - Product inspection
- June 15 - First shipment to US
- July 9 - 20 - Delivery arrives in our warehouse, inspect delivery and sort for shipment
- July 22 - Fulfillment begins
So we should see a new set of samples toward the end of this month. Here is an image they sent me on Friday of the in progress RIOT commando sample in regards to assembly. This is looking way better than the samples from the old factory.
The plan is for the factory to redo samples for ALL the figures, as I get more images I’ll post them. This will help to insure the quality is what we expect.
If you supported the Zica Toys Adventure People/Comic Book Heroes & Sectaurs (on sale now) or Fresh Monkey's Amazing Heroes Retroverse Wave 3lines you’ll see the type of quality this new factory can produce.
On another note..I had mentioned that Chris, our Project Manger, was going to use the Eagle Force molds for one of his projects now that they are at the new factory. A few of you posted wanting more information on this project. Well, Chris just launched his United States Space Force Kickstarter.
The ghost of Ronald Reagan is awesome and I can't wait to army build some space troopers to use with Eagle Force. These figures use our main body, but he has added some new parts and heads. If this funds we’ll have access to ALL these new parts for future Eagle Force figures. Understandably this might be concerning for a few folks who backed this project, but I have been very transparent in my willingness to share existing assets to help off set costs that were the direct impact of Tiandeng Liu’s miss handling of the line. The use of these molds does not have an impact on the timeline of Eagle Force.
Thanks again for all your support. I’m looking forward to getting new samples in the next few weeks so we can share them with you.
Please stay safe out there.
February/March Eagle Force Update
almost 5 years ago
– Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 03:50:16 PM
Hello everyone,
Couple of updates as we move into March.
Coronavirus Impact
As per our last update the factory was closed for most of February for Chinese New Year, sadly as most of you know China has been hit with the Coronavirus.
This has had a huge impact in China, including the workforce as factories had had to remain closed post Chinese New Year for many weeks. We just got word that our factory is coming back online over the next couple weeks. I don't currently know how this will effect our schedule, but would imagine it’ll push our the dates on our schedule about 3-4 weeks. As we know more we’ll send updates.
Not much more to say on this front, but many folks have been asking, so I wanted to provide some info.
Zica Toys: Comic Action Heroes
I also wanted to mention that Zica Toys Comic Action Heroes is now shipping. Although this is not at line from Fresh Monkey Fiction, it does have ties to our lines in some way.
1st: These figures are being produced at our new factory and the quality is amazing. For those of you who have these or the Sectuars figures, this is the type of quality we’ll see with Eagle Force and Larry Hama. You can see a review of Comic Action Heroes here.
2nd: Originally we were going to share tooling with the Comic Action Heroes line for Eagle Force, but Zica decided to move to a new factory shortly after we redid and upscaled our Eagle Force molds (which included ALL the Comic Action Heroes parts). The upside to this is we can use a majority of the Comic Action Heroes parts for Eagle Force.
Zica re-produced ALL their tooling molds after they left the original factory. So although we do share the some of the sculpting, we are not longer sharing the tooling molds with Comic Action Heroes. I mention this as many folks have gotten the Comic Action Heroes in hand and noticed they are a tad shorter than some other 1/18th figures on the market. As we are still using our upscaled tooling, Eagle Force will be larger than Comic Action Heroes and fit closer to other 1/18th figures on the market.
Thanks again everyone, more to follow as we get into March.
Fresh Monkey Fiction
Timeline update
about 5 years ago
– Sat, Jan 04, 2020 at 11:07:06 PM
Hey Everyone
I hope you all had a great start to the New Year. We are really looking forward to 2020, as we’ll be able to finally get Eagle Force complete and move on to future waves. Below is an update to our delivery timeline, update on Eagle Island and a few odds and ends.
We just got our new detailed production schedule from the factory, it’s outlined below.
- Jan 1- 31 - Revising samples to meet expectations
- Feb 1-25 - Chinese New Year - Factory closed for holiday
- Feb 28 - Deco samples ready for approval
- March 15 - Sample revisions complete
- March 16 - May 4 - Manufacturing
- May 5 - Product inspection
- May 15 - First shipment to US
- June 9 - 20 - Delivery arrives in our warehouse, inspect delivery and sort for shipment
- June 22 - Fulfillment begins
This is subject to change, but from talking to folks at The Four Horseman and Zica, who are currently using this factory, they said things can shift a week or 2 but they have always found the factory schedules to be pretty much on target. Our Project Manager Chris is on board to help us get to the finish line and we’ll of course continue to keep everyone updated as well go. If things shift around you’ll be the first to know.
I wish we could speed this up, but the new factory is basically revising a lot of what Tiandeng Liu did so we’ll have a quality product. We have over 25 figures in this assortment and they are 100% committed to making it right for our backers. They are excited to do more waves so they want to get us the best possible figures in hopes you’ll continue to back & collect the line as we move forward.
I know this has been a long road but thanks for sticking with us on this. I’m confident that we’ll deliver a great line of figures this year that will pave the way for future assortments.
Eagle Island Update
The Eagle Island Playsets have started to ship. If you ordered an Eagle Island playset, please be on the look out for an address confirmation email from D&J Toys. D&J Toys will not ship without confirming your address, so please keep an eye on your inbox. If you have any questions you can contact directly D&J Toys at <[email protected]>
Odds and Ends
Some folks have asked about the future of Eagle Force Returns, Eagle Force Classic, Monster Force, Heroes vs Villains and Ninja Force. I have decided to keep Eagle Force under Fresh Monkey Fiction for 2020, this will take us through fulfillment and we’ll launch on new Kickstarter in Q4 2020 that combine all the Eagle Force lines into an overall assortment. Depending on how well fulfillment and post fulfillment sales go, we’ll offer some of the figures we’ve shown for wave 2 as pre-orders. Not much more to say around this at the moment, but I’ll start posting images of what’s to come on social media towards the summer, these will be labeled as concepts and we’ll be looking for your feedback as to what figures make it to future waves.
Also, as mentioned in previous updates, I have decided to license some of my 3D asset library and steel tooling to a couple other indy toy companies for a few different projects in 2020, one of which will be our Project Manager Chris’s new start up. This will not hold up production of Eagle Force or Hama figures, but will enable me to recoup some costs that I’ll need to finish this line since Tiandeng Liu did not refund any of the funds we paid to him. So you might see some familiar parts, like heads, bodies or accessories show up in other lines. These other companies will be using the same factory we are using, so the upside here is any new parts they do will be accessible and compatible with Eagle Force, so it’ll help bring more variety to the line as we move ahead in the back half of 2020.
Thanks again everyone, here’s to an awesome 2020!!
Fresh Monkey Fiction