
Eagle Force Returns Action Figures

Created by Bill Murphy

The 1980s military toy line Eagle Force returns as a modern articulated line of 4" action figures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Eagle Force Wave 5 is up for Pre-Order
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 08:25:34 AM

Eagle Force Wave 5

Big news!  Eagle Force Wave 5 is up for Pre-Order is now at BigBadToyStore.  

This wave will be exclusive to BBTS. We might have some remaining stock for sale once the product delivers next year, but it’s best to pre-order then now if you want them so you don’t miss out. This wave will 100% produced by the new factory, so better paint ops, some new parts and better construction.  The sales of this wave will help us to understand the demand for future lines. BBTS is helping to support us, so they track sales over the course of the initial week they are offered to see how much demand there is for a product. So if you are planning on supporting Eagle Force, please get your orders in sooner than later. You will not be charged until the product is ready to ship and you can manage your order via the BBTS website.

A few notes about this wave. As we mentioned we wanted to offer a few figures under the "Some Assembly Required” banner but given costs we have decided not to do this at this time. Figures will still come with stands and extra hands, and a few come with extra heads.  We are also mixing up what figures are offered in each wave. In this wave we have figures from different Eagle Force teams.

  • R.I.O.T. Commando Urban Specialist - R.I.O.T. (Modern)
  • Major Draconis - R.I.O.T. (1980s/Modern)
  • Matt Matheson - Adventure Force (1970s)
  • Agent Grimm - Grimm Reapers (Modern)
  • Sandstorm - Eagle Force Returns (Modern)

We are also offering a 6th figure for each wave that is only exclusively offered if you buy the full set. In this wave it's "Silverback - Eagle Force Returns Survival Specialist (Modern)”.  I know many of you are not a fan of this model but offing an exclusive figure in each wave will incentivize folks to buy the full wave, which will help to increase sales. 

We need to hit our minimum order requirement to produce this wave, so pre-order sales are super important if you want to see the line continue. Please considering pre-ordering today. Again you will not be charged until the product is ready to ship and you can manage your order via the BBTS website.

We’re working up the paint masters now, here are some in-progress images.

This wave is kind of an experiment for BBTS to see what the interest is in the line overall. BBTS has been an amazing partner and they really want to support the line going forward, so if you are interested in seeing the line continue please consider pre-ordering today.  If sales go well, we’ll look at offering the a wave every quarter in this manner vs going the Kickstarter route. Future waves will include characters from the much requested Monster Force line as well.  Currently the line up for Wave 6 looks like this, but things can and I’m sure will change.

  • Sgt Blackstone - Grimm Reapers (Modern)
  • Gearshift - Eagle Force Returns M.A.R.V. Driver (Modern)
  • Hightide - Eagle Force Naval Captain  (Modern)
  • Tony Bruno - Bruno Bros Hitman (Modern)
  • Commander Joe Brodie - Adventure Force Leader - Adventure Force (1970s)
  • Crosshairs - R.I.O.T. Sniper - R.I.O.T. (Modern)

We’ll be updating our website in the coming weeks with bios for all our lines, so you can get an understanding of how vast the Eagle Force Universe really is.

Shipping Update and Current Stock

All Kickstarter orders and orders with issues have been delivered and resolved. If you have any issues with your order. Please send mail us directly at [email protected] and we’ll reply to you directly.

If you ordered from Zica Toys please contact them via their website.

We still have stock listed on Zica Toys inlcuding extra army builder heads. A few figures are now sold out. Depending on how well sales go over the summer we’ll look at reissuing sold out figures. I will say that Santini will not be reissued, but the R.I.O.T. Commando and Ultima Thule will at some point be reissued if sales continue to go well over the summer including wave 5 pre-orders.


Don’t forget the JoeFest Toy and Comic Show is in Augusta GA June 26-27 2021. We will have a booth but no product for sale. We’ll be displaying Eagle Force Returns Wave 1-4 and showing images of the full line up of the Eagle Force Classics Kickstarter that will launch late summer/early fall. If you are going to the show please stop by the booth and say hello to our man on the ground Ed who’ll be looking after our booth.  Also Jay Sullivan who is doing most of the art for Wave 5 will have JoeFest exclusive signed card backs that he’ll have for sale at his booth. 

Once you get your wave 5 figures you can swap in these card backs and use them when you display your figures.



Limited Edition Figures and army builder heads are now listed on the Zica website.
almost 4 years ago – Wed, May 19, 2021 at 04:33:51 PM


We have listed the following limited edition figures on Zica's website 

  • Midnight
  • Jack Frost 
  • Gold Cat

As well as singles of our Army Builder heads.

Also as a reminder we are no longer accepting requests for replacement items that were part of Kickstarter rewards for domestic backers as the cut off was 5/17. 

Thanks everyone! 


Zica stock, exclusives and card back requests
almost 4 years ago – Mon, May 10, 2021 at 11:29:45 AM

Zica Toys Stock and Shipping

Just a quick update on the stock on Zica Toy’s site. Zica got flooded with orders over the weekend.  We didn’t anticipate the demand for the remaining stock. Given the amount of orders Zica will need time to do fulfillment, so it might take 3-4 weeks to get your order filled.

Please note the is all the stock we have. It’s very limited, once it’s gone it’s gone. For example we sold out of Santini over the weekend.  If you have any issues with your new orders of figures we will not be able to offer replacement parts at this time.

Exclusives and Limited Release Figures

We have  decided to offer the following figures at a premium price within the next month.

  • Cat - Gold
  • Midnight
  • Jack Frost

We realize that some of these figures were exclusives but we do have a few remaining pieces.  We’ve gone back and forth on this for a while but given the cost overruns on this Kickstarter we are looking to recoup some costs to apply to future waves. The figures will be offered at premium price so that our Kickstarter backers feel like they were able to get these figures at a better value than what we will be offering them for when they are listed on Zica’s site.  

We will also be listing an Army Builder Head Pack of 5 heads when we list these figures if you are looking for extra heads for your army builder figures. 

Any ALL IN backers have card backs they don’t want?

If any ALL IN backers don’t want their card backs please reach out to us at [email protected] and let us know. We’d be happy to pay for shipping back to us, as were not able to get extra sets of cards and we'd like to keep a few sets if possible.



Updates on Shipping, Replacements and Remaining Stock
almost 4 years ago – Sat, May 08, 2021 at 11:59:08 PM

Shipping Update

As we mentioned previously all shipments have been sent. If you did not get emailed a tracking number please email us and let us know.

Please DO NOT contact us via Kickstarter or social media, as you will not get a responce. Please email us at [email protected]

Replacement issues and cut off dates

90% of our reported issues have been sent as well. You should have gotten an email with a tracking number or an email from us for all requests submitted before 5/3/2021.

Cut off for reporting any issues on domestic orders is 05/17 and all international orders issues must be reported by 5/30. We will not be replace orders for orders after these times unless there are special circumstances. 

If you need to report an issue, please use this form.  Please DO NOT email us. 

You must report ALL your issues at once, if you report them separately we will only repalce your initial request OR you’ll need to cover the shipping costs on issues you failed to report issues the 1st time.

A note and some "food for thought” in regards to reporting issues with your figures.  We will of course work hard to replace any issue you have. That said Fresh Monkey Fiction is a small company of 1 and we have very limited stock to replace any issues you have. If we replace your figure or a part of your figure that depletes our stock for every unit we need to replace. So that’s 1 less unit we can sell on our site, which equates less funds we’ll have to invest into future waves.  Which means we’ll need to raise more funds to contribute to new designs, art and sculpting. I know 1 figure doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s $27 (plus shipping)  of funds we won’t have to put toward the next wave. We are not Hasbro or Mattel or even Super 7 or Boss Fight Studios. We are a super small company that reinvests all our profits to make cool toys that we all want to have.  I’m not saying don’t report an issue, but given the size of our company I am saying it does have an impact on the funds we'll have access to as we look to invest in future waves.

Remaining Stock is now LIVE on Zica’s website.

Our remaining stock is now listed IN STOCK on Zica’s website.

We are still looking into offering remaining stock of our limited figures, like Kickstarter exclusives (see previous update) to Kickstarter backers at a later date. I will say based on stock counts the R.I.O.T. Stealth Pilot will not be offered again as we don’t have any remaining stock.

Future Waves

Eagle Force Returns Wave 5, revealed in our previous update, will now be a Big Bad Toy Store Exclusive wave. These will be listed toward the end of the month and preorder window will remain open for 3 months.  Once that window closes we will not take any more pre-orders. It’s best to get your order in during this window, as remaining stock will be limited. We will need to reach a specific amount of pre-orders so we can produce these figures just like our Amazing Heroes Wave 7 Female Wave of figures. More to come on this soon. 

Eagle Force Classics images will be revealed at JoeFest in June. We are targeting late sumner/early fall for the Eagle Force Classics Kickstarter as we know Marauder Task Force will be doing their Vietnam Kickstarter this summer and we want to support their efforts.  If you are looking for great accessories to outfit your Eagle Force figures, please go check out the Marauder Gun Runner site.

Eagle Force Returns retro styled "o-ring" figures.  

Zica toys will be producing retro styled Eagle Force Returns figures. We have a painted sample of their R.I.O.T. Commando in hand and we are blown away. Look for more information on these figures in the next month from Zica Toys.

Don't forget to support other Indy Toy Makers!

Check out the awesome Prisoner Kickstarter from our friends at Wandering Planet Toys!

Shipping Update & Eagle Force Wave 5 reveals
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 08:25:47 PM

International shipping update

All international  orders have been shipped. If you did not get emailed a shipping notice, please reach out to us at [email protected]

 If you need to contact us please DO NOT contact us via kickstarter or our social media channels..just email [email protected] and we’ll get back to you.

 If you didn’t change your address, I’m sorry but it’s too late. If you item is returned to us we’ll contact you about a redelivery. 

 We’ll be moving on to order issues this week. If you have any issues with your order, please fill out this form and we’ll contact you in the next few weeks.

Remaining stock update

We are counting our inventory and we hope to have the remaining stock of Eagle Force Returns Wave 1-4 listed on the Zica Toys website in a few weeks. We know we mentioned July but we were able to get though our delivery much faster than we thought. So look for an update soon when the remaining inventory will be listed, we'll be sure to announce it ahead of time.

Something fun

We had a Kickstarter Personal Recruit Reward where you could get your head customized on an Eagle Force figure. The heads are getting printed and painted now, but I got the custom card backs today, so I thought I’d snap a quick pic… man these are really fun. 

Thanks again to our awesome backers who backed this reward.

So what about Eagle Force Wave 5 and beyond?

Now that the Kickstarter rewards have been shipped lets talk Eagle Force Wave 5 (Waves 1-4 were offered as part of the Kickstarter) and beyond.

As we have mentioned we’ll be launching a Kickstarter for Eagle Force Classics this summer, this is a HUGE project almost as big as the Eagle Force Returns Kickstarter.  We’ll be revealing images of the figures as Joe Fest in June with a Kickstarter following soon after. Each figure is based on a classics character heavily inspired by their original classic gold outfit designs. General Mamba and R.I.O.T. will be represented as well. We have over 25+ figures planned including stretch goals. If we fund with ALL our stretch goals this project till take will take 18-24 months to produce and deliver, even with the new factory.

But what about Eagle Force Returns and it’s sub-lines, like Monster Force, Heroes vs Villains and Ninja Force?

Our plan is to continue the Eagle Force Returns line by offering a pre-order for 5 new figures each quarter. These will use existing parts with a few new pieces here and there and should take a much shorter time to produce. We’ll offer pre-orders for the figures in a 6 week window.  Once that window is closed we’ll move into production which should take 5-7 months. We’ll be making these figures to order, with very limited stock available at a later date.  Out of the 5 figures offered, 4 will be able to be purchased individually but the 5th figure will only be available if you buy the set during the pre-order. The 5th figure will not be an army builder, but will be exclusive to the set. Think of it like a build-a-figure that is offered by Hasbro or McFarlane.

Eagle Force Returns Wave 5 includes:

  • Agent Grimm - Grimm Reaper Leader
  • Major Draconis - R.I.O.T. Space Command
  • R.I.O.T. Commando (S.A.S) - Crimson Commando
  • Sandstorm (S.A.S) - Eagle Force Dessert Trooper
  • Silverback - Survival Expert (exclusive to Wave 5 set) 

Some of these figures will be Eagle Force S.A.S. - which means Some Assembly Required (S.A.S.).  They’ll include multiple heads and accessories that will allow you to configure them in a variety of ways, but will need a small bit of glue for final assembly and configuration.  The images below are close to final but we’ll be making some adjustments before we offer them.  Each figure will include original art by fan favorite G.I. Joe cover artist Jamie Sullivan or Eagle Force Returns artist Steven Butler.

We hope to offer pre-orders for these in the next month.

Thanks again everyone…exciting times ahead!