More Eagle Force packaging art..some 3D prints and what's up for 2018...
almost 8 years ago
– Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 09:33:16 PM
Hey Everyone
Just thought I’d post a quick update as we wait for our factory to get back from Chinese New Year. This post will be pic heavy…you have been warned.
Here are some more images of Steven Butler Studio's pencils for the character art from the Eagle Force packaging….they are in the hands of the colorist now, but I thought these would be fun to show.
Also, our sculptor extraordinaire, Arlen Pelletier has been having fun with his new 3D Printer and he did some “down and dirty” prints of some of our figures…some of the parts are not quite in scale or final, but I thought everyone would get a kick out of them.
We’re going to post the name Sgt. Bulldog’s bulldog contest in the next week or so. The plan is to do a Kickstarter update for Backers to suggest names and then we’ll do another update a week later where Backers can vote by making a comment in comments section.
We’ve also been working on our next project for 2018…Eagle Force: Monster Force.
We’re still in early development as we are focusing on Eagle Force Wave 1, but we wanted to put out a little tease…more to come this summer.
Bill and Craig!
Paying it forward! Cause we’re all trying to make cool stuff!
Each update (or so) will have a short blurb at the bottom where I try to raise awareness about other cool projects, most of them will be Kickstarter projects, but other stuff will be mentioned as well.
DUSK, A Graphic Novel - Kickstarter
Our buddy Jason Bienvenu has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the printing of the first graphic novel of the comic series, Dusk. Created by writer Brandon Gary and artist Jason Bienvenu, the book collects the first 6 issues that make up the first story arc. Head on over a check it out…
THE GOLDEN GUARD - Upcoming Kickstarter
Shitty Watchmen is a formalist exercise analyzing the language of comics as utilized by Alan Moore and, more importantly, Dave Gibbons. Created by Dave Baker, Nicole Goux, Rachel Dukes, Malachi Ward, Nick Diaz, Emilie Vo, Sam Ancona, Chuck Kerr, Colby Bluth, Robert Negrete, and Sabrina Deigert, Shitty Watchmen seeks to scrutinize the masterful use of composition and panel breakdown within the most undeniably complex comic book ever created. The means by which these staggering artistic achievements are deconstructed? Super shitty drawings. Thus... Shitty Watchmen.
You can check it out on Tumbler.
Eagle Force Packaging Art
about 8 years ago
– Wed, Jan 04, 2017 at 11:10:22 PM
Hi everyone,
Things are progressing on the figures, but we also got Steven Butler started on the packaging art. Here are a few images we wanted to share.
Also here is a closer look at the head sculpts now that they have all be finalized.
If you're interested in the Eagle Force Trading Cards and missed out on the Kickstarter, we now have them available on the Fresh Monkey Fiction web store here:!/c/0/offset%3D0%26sort%3DnameAsc
Plus The Drawn Word is offering 2 limited-edtion metal cards that they are printing to order if you want to add them to your set...they are only making them available for the next few days. You can find them here in their Etsy store:
Thanks everyone!
BackerKit Surveys have been sent
about 8 years ago
– Fri, Dec 09, 2016 at 12:22:29 PM
Eagle Forcers!!!
We have just sent out our BackerKit surveys. You should have received an email from BackerKit. If you did not please check your spam folder. If you still can't find it please message me and provide the name and email you used during the campaign.
What is BackerKit you say?
BackerKit is a service outside of Kickstarter which provides a more powerful survey feature than what Kickstarter provides. It allows you to manage your pledge even after the campaign ends.
Please fill out the survey and if you want you can now add additional items to your order (if you pledged $20 or above). If you do want any additional items above your original Kickstarter pledge you'll need to add your credit card information so you can be charged for these items. Once you're done you can finish and lock in your order. The surveys will remain open until March 31, 2017 so you'll have a few months to add items and lock in your order.
Remember we have added 3 new figures (Ultima Thule, Santini and Kayo) that were not available during the campaign.
If you have any questions about your survey please message me and let me know.
Also here is a quick image of some of the parts that make up Eagle's low quality but fun to see. We'll have better pics in the coming weeks.
Thanks everyone!
BackerKit Surveys will go out soon and a look at Kayo
about 8 years ago
– Sun, Dec 04, 2016 at 09:31:22 PM
Hey everyone!
We'll be sending out BackerKit surveys in the next week or so. These will stay open until March, so you'll have a few months to lock in your order. I'll send out a mail once the survey goes out.
Within the survey you'll be able to add on additional Kickstarter items to your order PLUS you can order the 3 new figures we've mentioned: Kayo, Ultima Thule and Santini.
We've also started to print out some parts of the figures to check scale. Here is a look at the Modern Cat head sculpt.
We'll be posting more images via Kickstarter updates and our social media feeds. So be sure to follow us to get the latest updates.
Bill and Craig
Ultima Thule will be offered in the Backerkit
about 8 years ago
– Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 07:41:41 PM
Hey everyone.
We're still working on the BackerKit survey, but we wanted to let everyone know that we'll be offering the Santini, Ultima Thule and a 3rd figure (to be announced) as part of the BackerKit. These figures will be available as ADD ONs for the standard price of $20 plus shipping.
Unfortunately as these figures were not available or unlocked during the campaign these figures will NOT be options for the pick 5 or 10 figure reward OR as the extra figure as part of the ALL IN pledges. They are only available as ADD ONs to your existing rewards.
Here are the final images of the extra heads that you can get as ADD ONS to your rewards along with some mock up of what they'll look like on the characters they are meant to go with.
We plan on opening up the BackerKit surveys in December. The surveys will stay open until March when we will lock in the orders for production.
Thanks again everyone!
Bill and Craig